21 August 2011


AKA the Introduction.

After being unable to cook for the majority of my pregnancy, I'm finally feeling ready to get back in there. Following my little sister's foray into the world of blogging (check her out - Beauty Down Under) I've decided to keep a virtual record of my cooking triumphs and tragedies (with a bit of baby baking thrown into the mix as well).

Before I get started with any recipes I figured I'd give a little bit of background on myself.
1. I work fulltime in internal recruitment to keep my Hubby in the lap of luxury (at least until October!).
2. My husband is Danish which inspired the blog title and we've been together for over 6 years.
3. We're expecting our first child in November whose womb nickname is Pecan (don't worry we're not sticking our child with that moniker).
4. My red Kitchen-Aid, known as Betty, was a wedding gift from my in-laws.
5. I'm a quarter of a century old and still suck at riding a bike but thankfully this blog has nothing to do with that!

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